Custom Branding now available in Doorkeeper Pro

Employees wear uniforms and tags, so why shouldn't your check-in kiosk be dressed to impress as well?

Branded check in kiosk
Doorkeeper Custom Branding gif

Branding is how your staff, customers and visitors recognise and experience your business. Doorkeeper can be customised to display your company logo and brand colours on its standby screen and at every step of the check-in process.

Add your brand identity to Doorkeeper, and welcome people to your site in a unique way.

Custom Branding on Doorkeeper Screens

This 2min video shows these screens in actionđŸ‘‡đŸ’„


Why does it matter?

Every kisok's initial challenge is to persuade all audiences to interact with it, and nothing draws more attention than captivating aesthetics. Let the familiarity of your brand guide people towards your site - something especially helpful for open-plan workspaces and venues of large square meter footprint.

It's not just about aesthetics, though. Colours and visual cues assist with the registration process, helping users understand what's required of them at every step, with less effort on their part.

But on top of it all, Doorkeeper helps you provide a higher standard of service to customers and visitors. Doorkeeper's intuitive UI speeds up the registration process, avoiding queues at entry points. Automating registrations, the collection of documents and alerts upon exceptions, frees your staff to focus their attention on more important tasks.

Employees appreciate speed too: simplifying the dull task of clocking on and off contributes to increased job satisfaction especially among tech-savvy generations.

Doorkeeper Check-in logs illustration

What can be customised?

You can customise two elements in Doorkeeper's layout, across all screens.

  • Logotype: we highly recommend showing your logo, as it's generally the most recognisable aspect of a brand because of its wide use. Displaying your logo throughout the registration process contributes to brand consistency, and inspires trust in first-time visitors.
  • Accent colour: This small touch greatly impacts the check-in experience. Keywords and all visual elements will acquire your business personality by using your own brand's colours.

Branding will also be applied to the web application: your logotype will appear on the header of site invites, forms and surveys.

This helps create an end-to-end experience around your business, not our platform.

How do I set this up?

  1. Get your logo and accent colour ready, following these guidelines.
  2. Message them to us when you're ready.

☀ Soon, you'll be able to set up and manage your brand assets and colours from the comfort of the Nirovision web app.

What's next?

Branding is more than just visuals. In the coming weeks, we'll release a new version of Doorkeeper that includes new options to welcome people differently.

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